Thursday, August 11, 2011

writing assingment for Ruby THe unmarked box chapter 1: the disappearance

“Yes aunt Bess?”
“Please go downstairs and get all the old boxes in the storage room.”
“What for”
“We are having a garage sale tomorrow and we need to price everything.”
“Yes aunt Bess”

I lived with my aunt Bess scince I was 7 when my parents died in a plane crash on their way home from tahiti. My parents left me a small fortune which my aunt used to buy herself a couple of “romantic” vacations with her boyfriend Fred. I am 14 years old but everyone thinks I am 10, probably because of my height and my crazy golden hair. I was used to garage sales because my aunt Bess was constantly spending on herself and never saving for anything else. I guess this was just one of those things a child has to go through at some point in their life. Poverty I mean. As I ran downstairs to grab the boxes my aunt Bess had downstairs, I remembered that years ago when my parents were still alive I had a piggy bank, inside I had saved all the money I had ever earned, this could be my chance to actually get some suitable clothes. I only had clothes my aunt could find at walmart for $3 or less, which may tell you a littl about my wardrobe at that time in my life. My best dress was a green and purple polka dotted dress which made me look like Barney the purple dinosaur, and that was my BEST outfit.

I ran downstairs and opened the box labled Bella’s old toys, I threw the box open until found what I was looking for. I opened the slot at the bottom and poured out the money. I counted seventy-eight dollars and eighty two cents. When I was six it had seemed like a lot of money but as I looked at the money I realized it was hardly anything. Nevertheless I stuffed the money in my flowered pants pocket and grabbed a box labeld “scented candles”. I carried boxes upstairs all day while aunt Bess sat on the couch eating potato chips while watching some bizzare soap operas. I cleaned, fixed, and priced everything downstairs by 8:00p.m.

“aunt Bess?”
“I finished getting everything ready”
“go downstairs and make sure you got everything”
“I am sure I got everything”
“Just go check”

I figured this was a hint she was giving me to leave her alone so she could talk to Fred or something like that so I headed to the basement. I was looking around the basement. I had so many fond memories here, when my parents died Aunt Bess sold her apartment and moved in to my house with me (I think it was because we payed for this house in cash and she wanted to impress Fred) over in the corner was where my dad taught me how to play softball (My aim was off and I shattered a window) underneath the stairs was a little playhouse my mom and I had tea parties in.

I went over to the playhouse and went inside. There was a lot of dust and on the table was a tea set, it was all set up.I remember the day my parents were killed, I had set up the tea set so when my parents got home we could have a tea party. I waited down there for hours, at seven o’clock at night I heard my grandmother crying upstairs. I ran up to find her sobbing on the kitchen floor with a phone in her hand. I asked her what was the matter, she handed me the phone and this is what I said:

“Is this Bella” a man who was talking in a stressed but kind voice.
“Bella I am afraid I have some bad news.”
I didn’t say anything but kept listening
“your mom and dad are going to get home a little late”
“what do you mean? Did their plane get delayed?”
“Not exactly dear, you see your mom and dads’ s plane crashed in the ocean”
“Thats O.K. my mommy and daddy can swim.”
“Well they were trapped inside the plane and... well” he sounded as if he was about to cry
“What is the matter sir?”
“I am afraid to say that your parents didn’t make it”
“You mean they died?” I started crying
“I am so sorry Bella”
“But they have to come home they just have to”
“They can’t Bella, they can’t”
I understood why my grandmother was crying, I felt like a black hole was in my stomach and the ocean started coming out of my eyes, we cried ourselves to sleep on the kitchen floor and when we woke up the next day we cried some more. Friends and family all came over to give their condolences. My Aunt Bess never came. I stayed with my grandmother for a couple days but she also passed away. I think it was a combination of grief and old age that made her pass on, then I was sent to live with my aunt Bess.

I heard a yell from upstairs I ran up and saw an empty couch, Aunt Bess was gone.