Friday, February 4, 2011

Apperace isn't everything chapter 1

Chapter 1
My mother always told me that appearance was everything, and I believed it until one day when I met David.
"Lily, are you all done getting ready for the day?" My mother shouted
"Let me inspect your appearance"
It was the same routine as I did everyday. My mom would always inspect my appearance before she would allow me to go anywhere.
"You need to add some more jewelry, and add some more mascara."
"But mother do you really think it matters if I add those things or not? I'm 16 years old"
"So what"
"So I can get myself ready"
"not under my roof"
My mother then made sure I "fixed" my appearance and then she ushered me out the door. I felt so small. My mother never let me decide anything for myself, she seemed to follow me everywhere I went making decisions for me. She got a job at my school, and she watched me do all my extra curricular activities. It was bad before but now I am at high school and it is super embarrassing to have your mom doing everything for you like you are a baby. But at least I looked good after all appearance is everything.
"Get in the car Lily"
"All right mother, can I drive today?"
"No. I don't want you to ruin the appearance of my car but crashing into something!"
"I could be super careful and..."
"When I say no it means no"
"Yes mother"
We arrived at Jackson High School the same time we always did. Kids fixed themselves as my mom and I walked past. I was like her pet, but a kind of pet everyone stared at. I guess my mom liked it that way. I never really thought that someone might care about what is inside was thinking about this when I ran into something and everything went black.