Monday, April 18, 2011

Sera Pretton and The Natpips Chapter 2

You can be the fastest in the world, but no matter how far you run, Destiny will always catch up with you in the end...

 In my head, I organized a strategy that would maneuver me through the huge crowd of students, so I could get to class in time, and also to avoid the creepy dude that scarily had the same highlights as me. Not to mention trying to avoid the other club members, or whatever they are.

I had to push against a couple of kids, (Not like they cared. I mean they were freaking out about getting to class already, so why would they care about a little bump, that would be gone, once they decide to figure out what the source was.) so I could move quickly. As I ran, I watched the freaky fire dude ( I didn't know his name, so until I do, we'll call him that) watch me with bright golden eyes, through the cracks in between the forest of kids. He looked like a hunter, or a lion right before he catches his prey. (Which unfortunately would be me)

I then jumped from a jog to a run, watching him closely as I advanced forward. It looked like he started faster, so I made my run a little faster. I was quickly running out of breath, so I stopped to catch my breath. Doing so, I also hid behind a couple of what looked like juniors from the military school. The freaky fire dude stopped also, catching his breath. He looked around for me, and then made a motion which looked like he was giving up. I gave a quiet "Yes!" But soon the celebration was over when The other two club members showed up. I was close enough so I could hear what they were saying,

"I lost her." the freaky fire dude said. His voice was deep, but not monotone. Like, music you could say. 
The little water man looked frustrated, "How could you, Kennith? It is vital we find all of them!"
So the freaky fire dude's name is Kennith, eh, I'll live with it. 
"I know it is! I have only heard you say it a million times, Irvin!" So, the little water man's name is Irvin? No comment...

"Well, do you want me say it again, hot head?" Irvin asked mockingly, getting up in Kennith's face.
"No, thank you, aqua freak." Kennith replied, looking down at Irvin. (He is so short!)
Now, Irvin was getting mad, "Don't make me put out your fire, you-"
He was cut off by the girl. "Stop it you too! We're never going to find the other fire girl if we keep arguing!" 
Kennith and Irvin simultaneously rolled their eyes. "Why do we have to do this again?" Irvin asked.
"Don't you remember? We have to find all the pips, and make sure that they know what they   are, and train them for what is to come." She replied.
"Oh, come on Anthea, did you just barely make that up?" Kennith asked jokingly, while Irvin chuckled.
"Nope. Elder Eldrick did."  Almost instantly, their smiles disappeared. It was silent for a few moments, and then Kennith asked, "Do you have the others?"
Anthea and Irvin turned to show a boy and a girl, scared to death, almost petrified. The girl looked about my age. She had dirty blond hair in a ponytail. She looked a bit tan, and had bright blue eyes. The boy looked a bit older. Fourteen maybe? He looked exactly like the girl, only his hair was a more blond, and his eyes weren't as bright. Were they twins?
Kennith looked at them for an instant, and then said. "Good, now we need that girl with those red highlights." 
Irvin smiled jokingly, "You mean you long lost cousin?" Kennith and Anthea rolled their eyes. I also rolled mine. "She does not look like me! The only thing similar is the hair highlights."
"But also the fact that she is a pyropip, like you." Anthea added.

And that just made it more confusing. What's a pip? And what is a pyropip? And why am I one? Why is it super important for pips to do this? Also who is this Eldrick dude? He must be important, to suddenly turn a conversation into a serious one. Also, why did they need those kids? It didn't matter. All I knew was that I had a headache from that headache of a conversation, and apparently I'm about to become a part of this. I needed to get out of there, before it got worse. 

But I tripped, on someone's stupid foot that had to sticking out. I made a squeal, and I saw the three club members look my way. Their mouths dropped, and then Anthea yelled, "There she is!" 
Kennith charged forward, while Anthea and Irvin dragged the boy and the girl. I panicked, so I very quickly got up and sprinted towards my school building. Luckily it got more crowded, so I can hide easier. 

I entered the school building, running to my class while trying to avoid them. I had to think of a plan. Soon. I can't run forever. But suddenly a light bulb came on. I'll stop running, and then blend in to let them pass, then get to my class, when they're long gone! It's perfect! Well, it works in movies anyway. 

I drifted off to the side, and pretended I was a kid opening my locker. At the corner of my eye, I saw them walk off. After about ten seconds, I walked to my classroom, feeling triumphant. I walked in, sat down, and got out my books like it was a regular day. They would probably give up soon, so I guess the excitement was over.

Speaking of, that was actually sort of fun! I mean it's the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me. I enjoyed it! And if I really am this pip or whatever, that would make life more exciting. I was almost wishing they'd come back, but then things would become a headache. 

But suddenly, I saw through the door window, the three of them. How on Earth? I freaked. I nonchalantly sank to the bottom of my chair, making my head low. But then the three of them busted in. They looked around for a second, and then spotted me. 
"There you are." Anthea said.
"How did you find me?" I asked, standing up. 
Irvin answered, while chuckling, "Honey, there are only that many classrooms to hide in."

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