Thursday, December 1, 2011

Bookclub 2

So, as I said previously I want to have a bookclub. And I think I'll start it this December. so unless somebody gives me a suggestion then I'm choosing. Mwahaha!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Hey, is anyone interested in having a bookclub? Like, a real one where we read and discuss books? We could meet once a month at some ones house and talk and have a treat. And we'll need suggestions for books. And we can do activities pertaining to the book. And if you want you could invite your friend. Well, comment!

Something Wicked


"Is she stable?" the woman in black asked.
"Barely. She's about to dip into the yellow zone." the doctor gruffly replied.

The woman and the doctor's eyes were glued to the monitor, scanning for any sign of movement or change. The room was silent, so much that you could hear the buzz of the lights, and the drops of cold sweat falling to the concrete floor. The room was very dark, except for little beams of light from the monitors and small lamps. The only ones in there were the woman and the doctor, and the patient, who's unconscious, on a metal table.
She was thin, and fair skinned. Her very long dirty blonde hair fell over the table, and her turquoise eyes were hidden behind her eyelids. She seemed tall for her age, being in the mid-teens.

The woman in black started pacing. She, the doctor, and the monitor were outside of the girl's square, one-way glass, chamber. "Has she left the real realm yet?" the woman asked skeptically.

"Not yet. She still has to journey through the middle realm." the doctor replied.
The woman grunted, and then went back to pacing. The girl's statistics on the monitor were normal, and remained normal for two more hours. Absolutely nothing changed. The woman was still pacing, the doctor still watching, and the monitor still buzzing.

Then the woman got impatient and exclaimed, "She is taking way too long. A normal keeper would only take half an hour. This one is taking four times that."

"She hasn't had any training at all. She's traumatized, which is normal, but she's more rebellious than normal this time." said the doctor.

"How so?"

"She's trying to find her way back to the real realm, but it's not possible, so she's completely lost." the doctor answered.

"But aren't all of them like that at first? This one is being too slow." the woman said very impatiently.

"Give her some time. Every keeper has their own time." the doctor said, trying to calm the woman down.

The woman huffed, and then walked to the glass, and just stared at the girl. Thirty minutes passed, and then the woman asked again, "How much more time?"

"Approximately an hour."

The woman then cracked. She stomped her foot, and left a crack on the floor. "That is it!" She then walked briskly into the chamber. The doctor stood up and shouted, "No! She's not stable! She'll drop into the critical zone! Don't lose control again, Samara!"

The woman grasped the girls head and chanted a few words. The woman then took a step back. The girl on the table was then lifted in the air and hovered, as a ring of light circled around her. It gradually got brighter and brighter. Soon it got so bright, that it could blind a normal person.
The woman laughed in awe, while the doctor frantically yelled to stop. The woman then whispered, "Welcome to the shadow realm, Keeper..."

But right as the woman said her name, the girl's eyes opened...

Thursday, September 15, 2011


To start a story you ought to start in the beginning. The “beginning” happened about nine years before and I don’t remember it whatsoever. The first day of school is a great starting point; it marks a new year of school so I’ll just start there. It was August 25th and I was starting eighth grade.

I would be the girl a total of nine times but this wasn’t one of them. I’d gone to the same middle school for the past two years. Both were amazing but I planned to make this year the best yet.

Then I walked in and I saw him.

I hadn’t seen him in nine years but he wasn’t the sort of person you’d forget. He wasn’t a little boy cute like he was in first grade. But the change wasn’t bad. He was actually decent looking, not to mention much taller than before. But that didn’t change the fact that he still had the same tan skin, long hair, and teasing, slightly arrogant smile. I recognized him right away.

He noticed me staring and smiled. I quickly looked away, and walked to the opposite end of the classroom.

I’d known he was coming, I’d expected it. But I hadn’t expected him to be anything like that. That was not how he was! Dorky, little and smiling-- that’s what he was supposed to be like. Not all “cool” with his dumb Justin Bieber hair giving girls like me Aren’t-I-cute? smile.

I could feel his eyes on me and willed myself not to return his gaze. He recognized me too.

As he should! But that fact just made my stomach squirm even more.

The bell rang and I ordered myself not to spend another second thinking about how completely wrong it was that he looked like a boy from a teenage girl magazine. School had started and now it was back to the routine.

I'd purposely sat as far away from him as possible but he came over and sat right behind me. The teacher came in and started talking the usual first day speech; I'm so-and-so, I grade blah blah, I enjoy yada yada.

"Hey," he whispered and poked me in the back with a pencil, "Are you Skylar Periellis?"

I didn't respond.

"Hey you!" he said again, "Are you Skylar Periellis?"

"What do you think you're doing?" I hissed, "The teacher is talking! I'm trying to learn something!"

Not that learning how many years the teacher had taught was highly useful information but still.

The bell rang again and I was up and out of my seat before anyone else. I was tasting freedom, almost to the door- When I felt his hand on my arm, pulling me back.

"What do you think you're doing?" I demanded and pulled my arm back.

"Are you Skylar Periellis?" he asked.

"I don't know you think you are but-"

"Are you?"

"Well, yes I am," I said irritably. I'd considered denying it but there wasn't any way I could really get away with that lie.

"Thought so," he said with a smile that was so typically him. "Why didn't you say hello?"

I thought of what to say. He waited for me to speak. I waited for an epiphany of sorts.

But none came. Finally, I just looked him straight in the eye and said, "Hi, I'm Skylar but..."

"You go by Sky," he interrupted, "I already know that. What? Don't pretend you don't know who I am."

I stared him down before nodding, "Yeah, I remember you Connor."

"Good, I was starting to worry," he said, "Okay, you can go now."

I raised an eyebrow. I wasn't aware that I needed his permission. But as I walked away I realized that unofficially I'd given him control of that. He was already winning. Unacceptable.

"Anyways you want it. That's the way you need it, anyway you want it."

“Anyway I want it?” I said with a half-smile.

He didn’t reply, just continued to sing.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

writing assingment for Ruby THe unmarked box chapter 1: the disappearance

“Yes aunt Bess?”
“Please go downstairs and get all the old boxes in the storage room.”
“What for”
“We are having a garage sale tomorrow and we need to price everything.”
“Yes aunt Bess”

I lived with my aunt Bess scince I was 7 when my parents died in a plane crash on their way home from tahiti. My parents left me a small fortune which my aunt used to buy herself a couple of “romantic” vacations with her boyfriend Fred. I am 14 years old but everyone thinks I am 10, probably because of my height and my crazy golden hair. I was used to garage sales because my aunt Bess was constantly spending on herself and never saving for anything else. I guess this was just one of those things a child has to go through at some point in their life. Poverty I mean. As I ran downstairs to grab the boxes my aunt Bess had downstairs, I remembered that years ago when my parents were still alive I had a piggy bank, inside I had saved all the money I had ever earned, this could be my chance to actually get some suitable clothes. I only had clothes my aunt could find at walmart for $3 or less, which may tell you a littl about my wardrobe at that time in my life. My best dress was a green and purple polka dotted dress which made me look like Barney the purple dinosaur, and that was my BEST outfit.

I ran downstairs and opened the box labled Bella’s old toys, I threw the box open until found what I was looking for. I opened the slot at the bottom and poured out the money. I counted seventy-eight dollars and eighty two cents. When I was six it had seemed like a lot of money but as I looked at the money I realized it was hardly anything. Nevertheless I stuffed the money in my flowered pants pocket and grabbed a box labeld “scented candles”. I carried boxes upstairs all day while aunt Bess sat on the couch eating potato chips while watching some bizzare soap operas. I cleaned, fixed, and priced everything downstairs by 8:00p.m.

“aunt Bess?”
“I finished getting everything ready”
“go downstairs and make sure you got everything”
“I am sure I got everything”
“Just go check”

I figured this was a hint she was giving me to leave her alone so she could talk to Fred or something like that so I headed to the basement. I was looking around the basement. I had so many fond memories here, when my parents died Aunt Bess sold her apartment and moved in to my house with me (I think it was because we payed for this house in cash and she wanted to impress Fred) over in the corner was where my dad taught me how to play softball (My aim was off and I shattered a window) underneath the stairs was a little playhouse my mom and I had tea parties in.

I went over to the playhouse and went inside. There was a lot of dust and on the table was a tea set, it was all set up.I remember the day my parents were killed, I had set up the tea set so when my parents got home we could have a tea party. I waited down there for hours, at seven o’clock at night I heard my grandmother crying upstairs. I ran up to find her sobbing on the kitchen floor with a phone in her hand. I asked her what was the matter, she handed me the phone and this is what I said:

“Is this Bella” a man who was talking in a stressed but kind voice.
“Bella I am afraid I have some bad news.”
I didn’t say anything but kept listening
“your mom and dad are going to get home a little late”
“what do you mean? Did their plane get delayed?”
“Not exactly dear, you see your mom and dads’ s plane crashed in the ocean”
“Thats O.K. my mommy and daddy can swim.”
“Well they were trapped inside the plane and... well” he sounded as if he was about to cry
“What is the matter sir?”
“I am afraid to say that your parents didn’t make it”
“You mean they died?” I started crying
“I am so sorry Bella”
“But they have to come home they just have to”
“They can’t Bella, they can’t”
I understood why my grandmother was crying, I felt like a black hole was in my stomach and the ocean started coming out of my eyes, we cried ourselves to sleep on the kitchen floor and when we woke up the next day we cried some more. Friends and family all came over to give their condolences. My Aunt Bess never came. I stayed with my grandmother for a couple days but she also passed away. I think it was a combination of grief and old age that made her pass on, then I was sent to live with my aunt Bess.

I heard a yell from upstairs I ran up and saw an empty couch, Aunt Bess was gone.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

First Chapter of Writing Assignment for Alyssa:

It's supposed to be a detective novel... still no name.

"Another one?" I asked Sunell in shock.

He solemnly nodded his head. "This one was found hanging by it's foot just outside of Grace's house. It had a red "x" painted across it's chest. It's head was wolf, body human."

"Ew." I grimaced.

"And one other thing, Vanna."

I tipped my head down, waiting for him to continue.

"Tanno's gone."

My eyes widened. Tanno couldn't possibly be gone. Probably just running around in some craters, or something.

"We found a scrap of his exform. And a smudge of blood. We tested it. It's his."

I put my hand on my forehead and walked out of the cool room, moving into the sunlight, then through the door into the outside world.

The sun burnt my flesh. It must've been well over 130 degrees today. Wow, the people who were here before us really messed this place up. I couldn't search for im in this weather. I needed to swich my moldette out for an exform. I ran across the scorched, uneven ground to my house, It was built into a hill, as were all the other houses here, to keep cool in the extreme temperatures. The were designed to save materials, water and energy by using the power of the sun, water and air themselves. And we kept them cool by using a running body of water the flowed through all of the houses.

Inside my house, I took one of my three exforms from the wall. This one was my favorite, silver and green with a complete hood. I slid it on. It was a one piece, with built in feet and gloves. The feet had toe holes and a nice hard yet thin sole. It was made of a smart fiber, so it molded to fit me, as well as adapt to the temperatures, so it was good for this weather. Moldettes were more for day to day, inside use, while exforms are good for hiking, exercise, fighting, etc. The fiber would treat wounds and patch up holes in the clothing itself.

I filled my pack with aq-curs, nu-packs, em-shots and my communicator. Then I left. I headed across the desert terrain until I was almost to the edge of the town.

"Vanna!" Someone called from behind me. I spun around. It was CaPri.

"What are you doing out here in that? You'll get fried!"

She smiled at me. "You don't think I'd let you go alone, do you?" She ran back to her home and returned in an ex-form similar to mine.

"I like Tano too, you know!"

So we set off, into the scorching sunset, hopefully to find y dear, dear friend. We searched through the trees, rocks and craters and found nothing. Occasionally we would have to stop to ward off a mutant creature with CaPri's knife, but the excitement ended there. The sun set and two of the moons rose.

"We should be getting back." CaPri said.

"Ya." I choked out. We ran home to find Sunnel’s wife standing in my green room.

“Hi?” I asked her.

“Hello, Vanna K`e. Sunnel told me you would be distraught. And now that I see you, I know you are. So tell me, why does this mean so much to you?”

I stared at her with a blank, confused question on my face.

“What I’m saying is, you were trained to be strong, Vanna. You’re mother was a strong warrior. She trained you not to care. So why is Tano such a blow to you?”

“He was my friend.” I said simply. She didn’t need to know my secrets. Plase leave, Indago.”

“I know how you feel. Sunnel and I started out as friends.”

“I said leave!” I spun and round and round-housed her in the face.

“Vanna!” Souted CaPri, grabbing me in a not-so-lovely-hug.

“Vanna! You will learn to respect your elders! “

“You’re like, five years older than me!”

“Nonetheless, I am your elder and if you attack me again you will be reported to Mrs. Chail. Now, have a nutrient pack and a hyration cup then go to bed. It’s late.” And with that, she left.

CaPri looked at me.”I’m not cut out for this life. I’d be better in the past. Before they destroyed the earth.”

“I know.”

“Wake up, Vanna!”

I slowly opened my eyes. A person I didn’t remembe the name of was stading above me. “Wha-?”

“Vanna! We found Tano. You need to come, right now!”

I was still wearing my exform, so I just hopped up and darted out.

“Where is he?”

“In the medical center. Wing 6.”

“Wait- why wing 6?”

He looked at me. “Other wings were full.”

I could tell he was lying. Of course he was. The hospital was designed to consereve the most space if needed, and Tano would be in the wing according to his condition. What was going on? Wing 6... I tried to remember what wing 6 was for... Oh, I don’t know. Wing 1... Head injuries. Wing 2, Serious illnesses and/or deseases. Oh, too late. We were already there. We walked through the door and into the lobby. A women sat at the desk.

“How may I help you?”

“You know who I am,” I said, pushing through the curtains into a hall. “Which room?”


Just as I was about to go through the door, Sunnel came out.

“Let me through!”


“No, let me in!”

“Vanna! Listen to me. You aren’t gonna like what you see in there. Please, just stay calm and don’t run off! We don’t need another person- nevermind. You go in.”

I opened the door. I couldn’t believe my eyes.


“Vanna!” He said cheerfully. “Come ‘ere.”

“No. No, no, no! This can’t be happening.” I backed up against a wall. I couldn’t be closed to him! He would bite me. “No, Tano. Why? Why, why, why...”]

“No, look, Vanna. See this?” He held up his arm, revealing an iv going into his vein. “See? It’ll fix me. I’m gonna change. See?”

I shook my head. “No. Once you’ve been changed...”

“Vanna! Look, Vanna! It’s still me!”

No. I knew he was different. The Tano I knew was dead. And in his place was a hiddeous part man part wolf creature. He had been captured and injected. Then released. Someone was trying to sabbatoge us.

“I’m going. I’m going to find them. Kill them.”

“No! Vanna, I said stay here!” Sunnel said, rushing to me to grad my arms.

“Bye, Sunnel.”

“Get her!” He yelled to an assistant.

“No!” But I couldn’t go now. The assistant had put something like laughing gas over my mouth and soon I would be unconscious, lying on a bed in a room on 24 hour watch. No. It went dark.


I opened my eyes. Where was I? I was on a white hospital bed... in a blue and green room. With no windows.

“Who are you?” I demanded from the man standing to the side of me. He was holding a clipboard.

“I am simply a helper, monitoring results.” He scribbled something onto his paper.

“What do you mean, monitoring?”

“Oh, surely you must know. The latest drug created by the head of our company.”

“What drug?”

“You don’t know? It’s a drug that makes you more adaptable to anything. Genes from any and all of the successful speices that have ever lived on this planet. Strenght. Agility. Aging. Fighting skills. So on. But you will be terminated after we see how it worked. Can’t have you running amuck.”



“I mean, what are you going to do when I bust out of here?”

“Oh, no, Miss. Stay here. You aren’t stable yet.”

I lept up. I was still in my ex-form. I smiled before kicking him down, making him pass out.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Appearance isn't everything chapter 4

"I am so sorry miss" The cute boy said
"It..Its fine"
"Whats your name?"
"Lily...I like that"
He said he liked my name I needed to find out what his name was.
"Thanks and what is your name"
"My name is Justin"
"Justin....I like that"
We both laughed. I think people were staring because soon one girl came up to me and said
"Hi my name is Raquel and I just wanted to know if you were THE Lily"
"What do you mean?" I felt confused
"I mean are you the Lily who is followed around be her mother who works here."
"I used to be" She gave me a puzzled look
"What I mean is I decided not to listen to my mother anymore."
Just as Raquel was about to answer the five minute bell rang and she dashed to class.
"So Lily, wanna get together at lunch, you know because you used to just sit with your mom" Justin asked me
"Sure" I stammared
"O.K. see you then" He walked away and I smiled, then the one minute bell rang and I ran to class.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sera Pretton and The Natpips Chapter 2

You can be the fastest in the world, but no matter how far you run, Destiny will always catch up with you in the end...

 In my head, I organized a strategy that would maneuver me through the huge crowd of students, so I could get to class in time, and also to avoid the creepy dude that scarily had the same highlights as me. Not to mention trying to avoid the other club members, or whatever they are.

I had to push against a couple of kids, (Not like they cared. I mean they were freaking out about getting to class already, so why would they care about a little bump, that would be gone, once they decide to figure out what the source was.) so I could move quickly. As I ran, I watched the freaky fire dude ( I didn't know his name, so until I do, we'll call him that) watch me with bright golden eyes, through the cracks in between the forest of kids. He looked like a hunter, or a lion right before he catches his prey. (Which unfortunately would be me)

I then jumped from a jog to a run, watching him closely as I advanced forward. It looked like he started faster, so I made my run a little faster. I was quickly running out of breath, so I stopped to catch my breath. Doing so, I also hid behind a couple of what looked like juniors from the military school. The freaky fire dude stopped also, catching his breath. He looked around for me, and then made a motion which looked like he was giving up. I gave a quiet "Yes!" But soon the celebration was over when The other two club members showed up. I was close enough so I could hear what they were saying,

"I lost her." the freaky fire dude said. His voice was deep, but not monotone. Like, music you could say. 
The little water man looked frustrated, "How could you, Kennith? It is vital we find all of them!"
So the freaky fire dude's name is Kennith, eh, I'll live with it. 
"I know it is! I have only heard you say it a million times, Irvin!" So, the little water man's name is Irvin? No comment...

"Well, do you want me say it again, hot head?" Irvin asked mockingly, getting up in Kennith's face.
"No, thank you, aqua freak." Kennith replied, looking down at Irvin. (He is so short!)
Now, Irvin was getting mad, "Don't make me put out your fire, you-"
He was cut off by the girl. "Stop it you too! We're never going to find the other fire girl if we keep arguing!" 
Kennith and Irvin simultaneously rolled their eyes. "Why do we have to do this again?" Irvin asked.
"Don't you remember? We have to find all the pips, and make sure that they know what they   are, and train them for what is to come." She replied.
"Oh, come on Anthea, did you just barely make that up?" Kennith asked jokingly, while Irvin chuckled.
"Nope. Elder Eldrick did."  Almost instantly, their smiles disappeared. It was silent for a few moments, and then Kennith asked, "Do you have the others?"
Anthea and Irvin turned to show a boy and a girl, scared to death, almost petrified. The girl looked about my age. She had dirty blond hair in a ponytail. She looked a bit tan, and had bright blue eyes. The boy looked a bit older. Fourteen maybe? He looked exactly like the girl, only his hair was a more blond, and his eyes weren't as bright. Were they twins?
Kennith looked at them for an instant, and then said. "Good, now we need that girl with those red highlights." 
Irvin smiled jokingly, "You mean you long lost cousin?" Kennith and Anthea rolled their eyes. I also rolled mine. "She does not look like me! The only thing similar is the hair highlights."
"But also the fact that she is a pyropip, like you." Anthea added.

And that just made it more confusing. What's a pip? And what is a pyropip? And why am I one? Why is it super important for pips to do this? Also who is this Eldrick dude? He must be important, to suddenly turn a conversation into a serious one. Also, why did they need those kids? It didn't matter. All I knew was that I had a headache from that headache of a conversation, and apparently I'm about to become a part of this. I needed to get out of there, before it got worse. 

But I tripped, on someone's stupid foot that had to sticking out. I made a squeal, and I saw the three club members look my way. Their mouths dropped, and then Anthea yelled, "There she is!" 
Kennith charged forward, while Anthea and Irvin dragged the boy and the girl. I panicked, so I very quickly got up and sprinted towards my school building. Luckily it got more crowded, so I can hide easier. 

I entered the school building, running to my class while trying to avoid them. I had to think of a plan. Soon. I can't run forever. But suddenly a light bulb came on. I'll stop running, and then blend in to let them pass, then get to my class, when they're long gone! It's perfect! Well, it works in movies anyway. 

I drifted off to the side, and pretended I was a kid opening my locker. At the corner of my eye, I saw them walk off. After about ten seconds, I walked to my classroom, feeling triumphant. I walked in, sat down, and got out my books like it was a regular day. They would probably give up soon, so I guess the excitement was over.

Speaking of, that was actually sort of fun! I mean it's the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me. I enjoyed it! And if I really am this pip or whatever, that would make life more exciting. I was almost wishing they'd come back, but then things would become a headache. 

But suddenly, I saw through the door window, the three of them. How on Earth? I freaked. I nonchalantly sank to the bottom of my chair, making my head low. But then the three of them busted in. They looked around for a second, and then spotted me. 
"There you are." Anthea said.
"How did you find me?" I asked, standing up. 
Irvin answered, while chuckling, "Honey, there are only that many classrooms to hide in."

Monday, March 14, 2011

Apperace isn't everything chapter 3

I woke up and looked around. Is this what heaven looked like? It seemed so familiar I couldn't name it but then I looked at my hands. I had no wrinkles, just bony soft skin. I looked around me, the same furniture and bedding I had when I was....well it was that same morning when my life changed. I wondered why I was there. I certainly didn't want to lay around so I got up and looked into the mirror. I was 16 again but I had no scar on my head from the crash. This was that same day I ran into something, I was getting a second chance to change my life! I needed to get ready. I opened my closet there were tons of fancy clothes and an outfit set out for me to wear. I was going to change my life so I grabbed some jeans and a cute but simple top. I ignored the picture of the hairstyle and Jewelry I was supposed to wear and put my hair in a simple ponytail with some earrings and a locket. I had never felt so free in my life. I did my own makeup and I loved the new look on me! I ran and grabbed some pink converse shoes and as I was about to brush my teeth my mom called: "Lily are you all done getting ready for the day?" "Yes mother" "Let me inspect your appearance." I walked down the stairs and my mother gasped "Lily what on earth did you do?" "I got ready for the day" "Its not the outfit I set out for you and it is certainly not the right hair and makeup." "Well it is what I wanted to wear." My mother looked shocked I had never stood up to her like that and she was not expecting it. "Well go upstairs and change right now!" "No mother!" "what do you mean no?" "I mean no, I wanna do what I wanna do from now on, now lets go get in the car." My mother would not move "Fine I just drive myself to school." I walked over to my car, the one my mother never let me drive. I put the keys into the ignition and pulled out of the garage. As I drove to school I thought over my plans for the day. I would park the car, then go over to the spot were I blacked out last time, I needed to find out what it was. I parked the car and got out but I kept my eyes open. People were staring at me I enjoyed it, at least my mother was not with me. Then I saw him, I saw the boy I had run into, he was carrying a big spiky ball that looked heavy, I guessed it was for a science project. It came to me why I had run into him and his spiky ball, I was staring at his gorgeous face and I wasn't paying attention. "Look out" " I was just in time." I jumped out of the way just before the ball came c rushing to the ground denting the grass where I had been standing.

Marie Nicole -1

"Marie Nicole, to the principals office immediately." And then a loud beep came from the intercom.
"You heard it." Said Ted. He preferred "Mr. Jenson," but I knew his first name.
"On it, Ted." I pushed my notebook into my messenger bag.
"Do not call me that." He glared at me while the other students stifled laughter. I walked out the door and walked down the hall.
On the way I stopped at my locker and grabbed my lunch, stopped and the bathroom and had a refreshing drink at the drinking fountain. I then pushed open the door to the office. Tina Sat at the front desk filing away at her nails.
"Go right ahead." She said in her thick Jersey accent.
I opened the doors to Merion's well furnished office. "Hello, Merion." I sat down in one the puffy armchairs.
"Ms. Nicole." He linked his fingers together and settled into his black wheelchair. He had some problem with his right leg, or something like that.
"Mmm." I looked into his eyes and raised an eyebrow to show him I didn't feel threatened at all.
"I just got off of the phone with your mother. She is not impressed. We have worked out a solution to your delinquent behavior. You will be attending Thornbury

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Apperace isn't everything chapter 2

Chapter 2

It has been years since the "incident", 60 years to be exact. I listened to my mother's advice and went to fashion design school. I still work for the most popular fashion business, and I have had many surgeries to keep myself from getting to many wrinkles. I married Edward Hart and I have one child. Her name is Melanie, I don't see her much though because my mother (who is 90 years old) has taken possession of my daughter until she is 18 because she needs to help her become as beautiful as I was. My mother looks like she is the same age I am and she hopes to live as long as I do too. I have had some health issues because of the accident, I had some brain damage and received cancer. My mother had me change my name from Lily to Annabelle because Annabelle is a more suitable name for an adult.
I felt hot so I decided to go to my house and lay down. I remember telling my husband something but then I guess I fell asleep. My whole body sank into the pillows as I sunk into them. I hear music and I can see a casket. I hear my name an awful lot, people are crying. My husband is there. I think this is ......well it could funeral.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sera Pretton and The Natpips

Hey guys. I've been sitting on this idea for awhile, but I just didn't know how to start it. So, tell me if it's any good, and if I should go on. The first chapter is kind of boring. It's kind of like an introductory chapter. It gets better later on. Hope you like it!

Chapter 1
Or would if we lived in fire. Very powerful but dire. Many may flee from fire, but what I have come to sire, is that we all have our own fire. That fire is our desire.

I gave a sharp gasp as I sat up. After that I groaned, because hitting your head on the bottom of the top bunk of a bunk bed really hurts. I really regret choosing to sleep on the bottom. I rubbed my head as I got up, and looked around. I glanced at the clock. 6:35 A.M. Classes don't start for another twenty minutes.

I got up. (Making sure not to hit my head again) As I grabbed my uniform, I checked to make sure my roommate, Tessa, was still asleep. I mean, that bonk on my head was loud, but sure enough, she was sound asleep, drooling all over her pillow. I chuckled. That sight is so out of character for her. She's usually a petty, preppy girl and hates anything that comes out of the human mouth. But seeing her sleep in it, is awesome.

Before I put my clothes on, I got a good look at it, and rolled my eyes. Can anything so gray ever exist? Where I was, was the MCSBG, or Ms. Craven's Seminary for Boys and Girls. (Ages from 10-16) I know. The acronym sound like some Secret Service organization. Well, it pretty much was. Since it was for boys and girls, the dorms were in two separate buildings, while classes were in other buildings. Classes were in another two buildings. The only time when the boys and girls actually see each other is at lunch. The school was really strict. Also the uniforms were really strict. You can't even add a little headband or bracelet. Actually  this school isn't the only school. We are sharing the land with three other schools. ECSG (Elissa Cousland's School for Girls) and the BSGM (Boy's Seminary for Government and Military) You may be wondering why I'm not at the girl's school, and instead at the boy and girl school. Well, first my parents probably couldn't afford it, and second I probably couldn't last a week there. 

That school is for rich tiny little dainty girls who learn how to be stuck up, even though they are already are. Actually it was a school especially made for governor's daughters, or girls related to politicians. Even if you weren't if you had the money you could get in. It says it's for girls but the only thing lady like about those girls is that their dress weighs more than they do, and that's not even that attractive. The boy school are for boys who are made to be a politician or in the military. If you get a letter that says you're accepted, you have to go by law. But at least those schools have some color, or some fun. Even at the military school, you get to climb over stuff, and climb ropes, and it's basically like a hardcore playground.

I simply sighed. There was nothing extraordinary about my life. The most exciting thing that happened to me was when I went on the kiddie coaster at an amusement park, and that was five years ago. I've been at this place since I was ten. I felt abandoned. My parents waited till I was old enough to dump me in this boarding school, and they could forget about me for the rest of their lives. I felt like crying. I always felt like crying. I'm just so confused. Why did they leave me? Everything was going fine. Was I a problem somehow? Was I too expensive to take care of? I don't know, but I'm determined to find out.

I snapped out of daydreaming when I heard a loud snore. That cheered me up a bit. Snoring is way OOC for Tessa. I went to wake her up. I mean why not? Hearing her snore is getting annoying. I shook her shoulder.
"Tessa! Wake up!" I whispered/yelled. 
"Wha-wha..." Tessa groaned. She sat up, and rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?" she yawned.

"6:40. Now get up and get ready."
"But I don't want to!" she groaned, lazily laying back her pillow like a rag doll. I rolled my eyes. Tessa acted like a five year old that didn't get a lollipop from her mom, because she was bad.
"Just get up, and get your uniform on! Or I'm leaving without you."
She sat up and whined like a baby, then said "Fine!"

I gave a humph  of triumph as I climbed down. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I looked in the mirror, I rolled my eyes. The only part that's colorful about me is my hair, and it's not even that great. Long black hair, with the boldest red highlights you've ever seen. No, I'm not one of those girls that completely dye their hair weird colors for no reason. I was born with these highlights. When my parents tried to get rid of them, they always come back. And then there's my weirdly pale skin. I've lived in Arizona once, but I don't get after that, that I still look like I've lived in the Arctic all my life. At least my eyes aren't weird or anything. Just plain gray. Like the uniform...

 After I brushed my teeth I walked back out to see Tessa falling asleep. I yanked her by the hair "Ow!" she yelped. 
"Hey get up! Classes start in ten minutes!" Even though she was fourteen, and I was twelve, I felt like a mother to her.
"What's the point in going?" she asked, stroking her hair, "I mean you skip class most of the time." Grrr. I hate touche' moments. I have been skipping class. Again, I'm not a kid that is all Let's-skip-class-because-getting-in-trouble-makes-me-cool. I'm skipping for a good purpose. Okay, probably none of this is making sense. Let's just say that even though this school is really strict, they don't allow reading. I know. It may be asking a kid to not eat candy, but it also might be asking a kid to not do homework. But, for me reading is the funnest thing to do in this place. 

The school thinks that if they allow kids to read, the book will enhance their imagination, and make them day dream during class, and not pay attention. But seriously, even the kids who have been asked to not do homework, wants it. I've had this book with me for awhile. I didn't have any books in the first place. I saw it at the doorstep to my dorm I thought that maybe I should report it to get some merits, but it looked interesting, so I read a couple of pages. Then some more, and then even more. So much that I got sucked into it, and started skipping class to read it. I've been caught a couple of times, but it doesn't stop me. 

"Hey, I'm not going to this time. My head hurts too much," I rubbed my head where the goose egg was "and I had the weirdest dream last night, and for some reason, I think the book I'm-reading has some tie to it." I don't know, but I have a feeling. If it is the reason, I don't want to get any more nightmares, so I took a break from it. 
"Okay, that's weird." Tessa said. 
"I know. But it may be. I don't want any more weird dream so, I stopped. Call me paranoid." 
"Fine you're paranoid. Now let's go." 

We grabbed our bags and walked out of the dorm. We saw that a lot of girls were doing the same thing. Some of them were sprinting like their life depended on it. Why? Because before we enter the school, we have to do a security check thing in a whole other building before we enter our own school building The line was usually huge, because it was for all three schools. The man up front asks for your bag for a security check and then your name, age, and what school. You then get your bag, and run like your life depended on it to school.  It's a really long process, and here if you're late, that's worse than your pet getting put down, and you have to watch. 

When we exited the building, I saw a giant line stretching from the stuck up girl school to the security building, and that's a four minute run. Thank gosh they put ten security stations instead of just two. If that were the case, then the time you'd be done would be when school ends.  The line may look intimidating, but if you plan right then you could make it to class. It's called finding someone you know, and get in line with them. I know it sounds cheap, but everyone does it. All the good kids that wait are bad because they wait in line, and then become late, so we're basically the good ones because we don't want to be late, right? I ran up to the front to see if I could find anybody.  I found some kid that was ten kids before the front. She was in my first class. She'd let me butt with her right? Eh, probably not so when she and the kids behind her weren't looking, I snuck up right behind her. I felt triumphant. Totally nailed. 

In the middle of my celebration in my head, I turned to my left, and I found two men and one woman talking suspiciously. The woman had super bright green eyes, and a tattoo on her arm of a tree. She seemed shy, but sweet. One of the men, a short one, had blue eyes, and was talking to the woman. The man was smiling, and he seemed bubbly in his personality. He had a tattoo of a raindrop on his arm. The other man was tall and looked impatient. He had a strong build, with blond hair, and super bold highlights that were red. Wait. Red?! I looked at him harder. Sure enough bold red highlights in his hair. Was he born with it too, or did he get it? I was curious. I was also curious because they all had a tattoo on their arm. The tall man had a fire tattoo. Are they in a club? If so, why are they here? 

As I asked myself questions, I saw their eyes scan the crowd. Two times, their eyes widened, and they pointed to the kids. I couldn't tell who they were, though. Suddenly their eyes fell on me. I froze. Will they point at me? Are they looking for me? Are they even looking at me or someone else? Their eyes widened, and the girl mouthed, "There's one." I freaked. What do they want from me? But maybe it's not me. There are a  lot of kids here. But then, I saw the short man look at the tall one. He mouthed, "She looks like you." Oh, shoot. After that, the girl and the short man started walking in the directions they pointed, and the tall one headed for me. Oh shoot,  oh shoot! I was scrambling, and was lucky enough to be next.

"What is your name, age, and school, girl?" the security man asked, taking my bag. 
I did a double take to the tall man, as I hurriedly said, "My name is Sera Pretton. I'm twelve years old, and I go to Ms. Craven's Seminary for Boys and Girls." 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Apperace isn't everything chapter 1

Chapter 1
My mother always told me that appearance was everything, and I believed it until one day when I met David.
"Lily, are you all done getting ready for the day?" My mother shouted
"Let me inspect your appearance"
It was the same routine as I did everyday. My mom would always inspect my appearance before she would allow me to go anywhere.
"You need to add some more jewelry, and add some more mascara."
"But mother do you really think it matters if I add those things or not? I'm 16 years old"
"So what"
"So I can get myself ready"
"not under my roof"
My mother then made sure I "fixed" my appearance and then she ushered me out the door. I felt so small. My mother never let me decide anything for myself, she seemed to follow me everywhere I went making decisions for me. She got a job at my school, and she watched me do all my extra curricular activities. It was bad before but now I am at high school and it is super embarrassing to have your mom doing everything for you like you are a baby. But at least I looked good after all appearance is everything.
"Get in the car Lily"
"All right mother, can I drive today?"
"No. I don't want you to ruin the appearance of my car but crashing into something!"
"I could be super careful and..."
"When I say no it means no"
"Yes mother"
We arrived at Jackson High School the same time we always did. Kids fixed themselves as my mom and I walked past. I was like her pet, but a kind of pet everyone stared at. I guess my mom liked it that way. I never really thought that someone might care about what is inside was thinking about this when I ran into something and everything went black.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


So I was talking to my dad and he said that if I really thought about a story and carefully completed it he would have it professionally edited and we could try to get it published. I was very happy. The problem is that I have no idea what to write about, I want to start a brand new story though. Ideas? Happy? Sad? Happy with sad ending? Sad with happy ending? From 1st or3rd person? Action story? Story about an every-day sort of person. How old should the main character be? Where should it take place? Made-up land, America, Earth in the future, outer space, desert, ocean...? Nice/mean person? Ideas?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The First Daughter's Journal ( a.k.a. Brianna Thomas ) part 1

Dec. 1st
Dear journal,
Hey! When my father first started his campaign my mother gave me a journal. I never really had time to write in it with all the chaos but now that he is the president and were settled in the white house, time goes my very slowly. Most of the time I just sit in my room. Sometime I wander around but I just get in trouble because " I'm easy to get something broken. " It doesn't even feel like a real home, maybe a museum, but not a home. It's really nice but sometimes I wish I was just a normal girl who didn't always have a security agent on my tail along with the press. Most importantly, I wish I had a normal dad. I miss when we would just go out to the movies and have dinner together. I'm thirteen, I need a dad to guide me through my teens. Sometimes, I purposefully get in trouble with the press just to get his attentions.
With love,
Brianna Thomas

Dec. 7th
Dear journal,
Hi, man has dad been busy. Not like going all over the country busy but staying shut up in his oval office working busy. I don't know exactly what is wrong but it is big! I don't know because so far it looks like this information is staying in the oval office and not one citizen of America is allowed to know. I can't even go into my own dads office because it's always on top security. And now that were settled I had to get a personal teacher for school. Now, I can't even make friends at school though I still don't think I would have "real" friends if I went. They would probably just be nice to me so they could actually visit the white house. And even if my dad was cool with the idea of me going into a public school we would make me take security guards all over. NO WAY! But I still have friends. I have one who is the chefs daughter. She is really nice and treats me like I am just like everyone else. She has a feirce personality and always keeps me on my feet. She is the only fun around here. Oh right, I should probably tell you her name. Her name is Alex ( short for Alexandra ) Gromo. She has a jaggedy, short brown hair and pretty brown eyes. And my other friend, well I wouldn't call her exactly my "friend". Her name is Elizabeth Goodrich. She is definitely those words; a goody two shoes and very rich. I think she wants to be the first daughter a lot more than me. Herded is the vs. President. What's weird is that my dad didnt know him very well until one year before he joined my dads campaign and ran for vs. President with my dad. I hate to say it but there not the nicest people in the world. Ok, Elizabeth is pretty bratty,well at least to me. And she is not the smartest on the block. She thinks my dad and her dad are enemies when their partners! If I didn't know any better I would say she would go far enough to kill my dad to become the first daughter. Well, have to go!
With love,
Brianna Thomas